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“Fatal duel” in the descriptions of F.I. Tyutchev and A.A. Akhmatova

Zou Luwei, M.V. Mikhailova


Zou Luwei,

PhD student of the History of Contemporary Russian Literature and

Modern Literary Process Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



Mikhaylova Maria V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the History of Contemporary

Russian Literature and Modern Literary Process Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



This article throws an analysis of the “fatal duel” in love embedded in the descriptions of F.I. Tyutchev and A.A. Akhmatova. It is F.I. Tyutchev that creates the understanding of love as a “fatal duel”, which is inherited by Akhmatova. In addition, Akhmatova also perceived from Tyutchev the depth in expressing love emotions, the participant’s “other” view towards what is happening and the staginess of behaviors. However, an analysis of the lyric poems of both poets reveals differences in the depictions of the “fatal duel”, especially embodied in the roles of women in love encounters. In Tyutchev’s poems, the duel always turns out to be fatal for the female, and the bearers of the destructive principles are the male. The women, loving and suffering, could not be able to find another way out but self-sacrifice and death, while in Akhmatova’s, the female seize the initiative in love duels, and they become the modern female who can overcome love miseries and go about their lives. Akhmatova's female protagonists no longer walk towards death but experience it as a life phase and gain joy from creation. Therefore, the love “duel” in Akhmatova’s is far from “fatal”. Moreover, the women in those duels could come out as winners and find the strength to revenge on the men cruelly, which the Tyutchev heroines, absorbed in love and regarding the men as their idols, will in no way do. To prove these provisions, methods of comparison-analysis, historical literary criticism, and hermeneutic are used, as well as the gender approach to the analysis of the text, which make it possible to reveal the social-cultural roles of men and women in the XIX and early XX centuries.

Keywords: F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Akhmatova, love theme, “Fatal duel”, life position, “other” view, staginess of behavior, female voice, female protagonists of the new time.



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