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Poetic characteristics of Chechen national wedding and crop poetry

V.Sh. Rasumov


Rasumov Vakha Sh.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Chechen Philology Department

Chechen State University



The article is devoted to the study of wedding and ritual poetry of Chechens. The relevance of the choice of the topic of the article is explained by the little-researched Chechen folk wedding and ritual poetry. On the basis of published works and field materials, the author considers the poetic features of the songs related to the traditional wedding ceremony of the Chechens. The theme and figurative system of wedding songs and cries, their artistic features are analyzed in detail. The characteristic features of Chechen folk wedding and ritual poetry are singled out and described.

Keywords: wedding ceremony, wedding and ritual poetry, wedding cries, wedding ritual, lyrical song, poetic originality.




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