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The wings of happiness: Nabokov’s story “Christmas” as a polemic manifest

V.V. Desyatov


Desyatov Vyacheslav V.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the General and Applied Philology,

Literature and Russian Language Department

Altai State University



The article of Vyacheslav Desyatov “The Happiness Wings: Nabokov’s Story “Christmas” as a Polemic Manifest” gives the new interpretation of the Nabokov’s story: the plot of the story “Christmas” is a polemic allusion to the program work of one of the darkest Russian writers — “A Little Angel” by Leonid Andreev. The main characters of both stories bring something (the wax figure of an angel, the chrysalis) into the warm place, and the object metamorphizes: the little angel melts away, the chrysalis turns into the butterfly. “Christmas” is compared to “The Christmas Story” by Nabokov where the name of Leonid Andreev sounds properly. The article mentions the double strategy of Nabokov: the last sentence of both “Christmas” and “The Christmas Story” quote the same phrase from “A Little Angel” by L.N. Andreev. So, the last sentences of the “Christmas” and “The Christmas Story” point out the pretext, necessary for the adequate interpretation of these stories.

Keywords: Christmas story, Leonid Andreev, quotation, plot invariant.



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