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To the question of creating a global language of science and culture (XIX century)

M.N. Vetchinova


Vetchinova Marina N.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor 

of the Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Department

Kursk State University



The article deals with analyzing the idea of creating a global language. The author points out that progressively-minded people saw global language as means of efficient interaction, rapid access to scientific discoveries and world cultural values. The sociocultural circumstances contributing creation of artificial languages are shown as well. The XIX century intellectuals’ ideas on the importance of being proficient in a foreign language for cross-cultural interaction are given. The hindsight analysis on designing languages, which claimed being global means of communication, is presented. The author also pays close attention to the personalities of people, who dealt with language construction, to the pros and cons of their core messages. The possible variants of global language creation are stated. The mathematical calculations, which were used by the XIX–XX century scholars to predict the global language of the XXI century, are given.

Keywords: artificial language, global language, cross-cultural communication, XIX century, Wilkins, Don Sinibaldo de Mas, Schleyer, Liptay, volapük, esperanto, Lengua Сatolica.




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