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Lexico-grammatical means of expressing comparison in the lyrical texts of I.A. Bunin

S.M. Isupova, E.V. Zonova


Isupova Svetlana M.,

Сandidate of Рhilology,

Аssociate Professor of the Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Vyatka State University



Zonova Elena V.,

Сandidate of Рhilology, Аssociate Professor,

Head of the Russian as a Foreign Language Department

Vyatka State University



The appeal to the lyrical heritage of the classic of Russian literature Ivan Bunin allows to expand knowledge about the functional and semantic functions of comparisons, to reveal the features of their use as a linguistic means of expression. The relevance of the study of comparison as a language means of expression in poetic texts is not in doubt, as this trail is able to show readers the inner world of the writer, his Association with the realities of life. The study of the ways of expressing comparison lyrics I. A. Bunin is a theoretical and practical significance, as the study of the visual possibilities of stylistic figures of speech, which are the basis for the creation of an artistic image, of course, is of great importance for lexicology and stylistics. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the introduction of a new language material into linguistics, the analysis of its lexical meaning and the allocation of functional features of different linguistic ways of representation of comparison in the literary texts of the poet, which is the object of observation and analysis in this work. The article applies the General scientific descriptive method, contextual, inductive methods, as well as the method of continuous sampling and generalization of specific linguistic facts with elements of statistical counting.

Keywords: comparison, poetic text, ways of representation, methods, visual possibilities, thematic groups.




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