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Ideology-related translation problems

I.А. Pugachev, L.Р. Yarkina


Pugachev Ivan A.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Professor, Head of the Russian Language Department

Engineering Academy of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia


Yarkina Ludmila P.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Methodist Professor of the Russian Language Department

Engineering Academy of the Peoples Friendship University of Russia 



Ideology affects the work of the translator in different ways, namely, through its presence in the source text, which may be subtle and difficult to reproduce, through the bias of the translator due to his or her personal ideological stance, or through the discrepancy in the reception of the source and target texts when the corresponding audiences belong to opposite ideological camps. The paper examines ideology-related problems in translation. The framework includes the working definition of ideology, indications on how to identify problematic ideology-related elements in the text and how to distinguish ideological issues from cultural ones. It allows for a better understanding of ideology issues, identifies essential factors influencing translator's choices and could be used as a guidance in translation practice.

Keywords: ideology, ideological stance, ideological camp, recontextualisation, translation practice, critical discourse analysis.



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