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The factors of Slavic and Turkic languages typological complementary in the light of systemic linguistics and ethnology

U.M. Bakhtikireeva, O.I. Valentinova, M.A. Rybakov


Bakhtikireeva Uldanai M.,

Doctor of  Philology, Professor,

Рrofessor of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communications Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

e-mail: bakhtikireeva_um@   

Valentinova Olga I.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the General and Russian Linguistics Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of  Russia


Rybakov  Michael A.,

Candidate of Philologу, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the General and Russian Linguistics Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Relying on the achievements of system linguistics and ethnology, the authors of the article, referring to the history of Nostratic languages, discuss the reasons for the typological divergence of originally related languages and the typological stability of the Slavic and Turkic languages. Recognition of landscape and climatic conditions as determining in the development of language and ethnos, identification of interrelations between functions and the structure of the system methodologically bring together system linguistics and ethnology, allowing to explain the cause of historical changes in the system and to predict the vector of its further development.

Keywords: system linguistics, ethnology, Nostratic languages, Slavic languages, Turkic languages, typology.




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