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The modeling of the creative artistic text subject (the author) in the context of a multidisciplinary theory of cognitive-pragmatic programs

D.I. Ivanov, D.L. Lakerbai


Ivanov Dmitry I.,

Сandidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Professor of the Centre of Innovative Cooperation and Language Research, China

University of International Relations of Guangdong


Lakerbai Dmitry L.,

Сandidate of Philology, Associate Professor

of the Theory Literature and Russian Literature of the XX century Department

Ivanovo State University



The article provides the analysis of the current state of the artistic text subject problem and proposes an innovative principle for its modeling. It is noted that, being philosophically convincing, the concept of the anthropological connection of the Author and Logos in scientific terms is not sufficiently functional - it is rather the ontological foundation of authorship than its theory. The existing diverse models of the literary text subject are mythologized, local or indirect, and vulnerable to criticism. The proposed innovative principle of the text subject modeling is based on the metadisciplinary concept of the synthetic lingual personality cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP of a SLP). The author's (subject) principle with this approach is an integral system of subject modalities (the subject-source is the subject-interpreter), changing places and transforming in the cultural process. Each subject modality is a cognitive-mental position reflecting the specificity of the creative-analytical activity of the subject at a certain stage of its formation both within itself (modeling its cognitive, linguistic and communicative consciousness) and within one or several discursive spaces of the metadiscursive cultural matrix that accumulated by CPP system. This model differs from the traditional ones of subjectiveness with the following: it relies not on external heterogeneous “signs”, but on cognitive and communicative mechanisms according to the its’ order, manifested in the personality dimension of semiotically embraced language;  it reduces the degree of research subjectiveness; it is applicable to both the typical and the unique categories;  The author and the reader appear as different implementations of the subject principle.

Keywords: creative subject, cognitive model, metadisciplinarity, cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), synthetic lingual personality (SLP), subject-source, subject-interpreter.



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