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Digital archive of Dostoevsky: problems of publication of a handwritten text in the electronic edition

N.A. Tarasova


Tarasova Natalia A.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskii Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article is devoted to the actual problem of electronic publication of a literary text. The material of the research is the notebooks of F.M. Dostoevsky, which contain artistic and publicistic ideas of the author. This is the constant object of research attention. The paper deals with the issues related to the creation of the digital archive of the writer: the conception of electronic publication; the principles of using information technology in the preparation of Dostoevsky’s notebooks for publication; the problem of transcription of handwritten text; the principles of language analysis and editing of the material. The conception of a digital archive is based on the idea of multifunctionality that would allow readers to get acquainted with high-quality digital copies of Dostoevsky’s manuscripts, scientific interpretations of these manuscripts, commentaries to the text and other publications. The use of information technology in the organization of digital archives allows us to provide readers with maximum information about Dostoevsky’s texts and make the site more convenient and functional. The textual transcription of manuscripts varies in methods of the scientific description and presentation of the text. The article analyzes a special system of transcription signs, which shows the dynamics of Dostoevsky's creative process. It is planned to present Dostoevsky's texts in the digital archive in two versions — authentic, in the writer's language, and modern, taking into account the current language rules, as well as the peculiarities of the style and language in the handwritten text.

Keywords: Dostoevsky, textual criticism, handwritten text, Digital Humanities.



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