Solntseva Natalia M.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor
of the Newest History of Russian Literature
and Modern Literary Process Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University
N. Klyuev is depicted in three paintings by B. Grigoriev. Grigoriev is the character in poetry by Klyuev. Their work is a cultural dialogue. Klyuev’s metaphysical interpretation of the revolution had no impact on Grigoriev — a supporter of the idea of the end of civilizations, but Klyuev in his paintings — the expression of the national mentality. Their attitude to the revolutionary reality largely coincides in the 1920s and 1930s. In the article the attention is paid to late Klyuev’s poetry and the Grigoriev’s poem “Rasea”. The relationship between the poet and the painter, the specifics of their mutual interest are reconstructed by memories and letters of Grigoriev.
Keywords: Vytegra, Grigoriev, icon, Klyuev, peasant, Rasea, expressive.
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