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“Accepting Everything for Everybody”. Poetry by Lidyja Chervinskaya

A.I. Chagin


Chagin Alexei I.,

doctor of Philology, chief scientific fellow of the Gorky Institute of World Literature (RAS), the author of the books and, besides, more than a hundred of articles (some of them are translated into English, French, Finnish, Corean, Georgian) dealing with the problems of Russian literature of the XXth century, Russian poetry, literature of Russian exile, interaction of national literatures e-mail:


Poetry by Lidyja Chervinskaya, which was one of the most talented embodiments of the “Paris note” as a peculiar phenomenon of the poetry of Russian Paris in 1920–1930s is becoming the object of studying at the article. L. Chervinskaya’s creative activity is being examined here in the context of literary discussions of those years which took place in Russia Abroad and were devoted to the problems of poetical development in exile.

Keywords: poetry, “Paris note”, tradition, emigration, human document, poetics of a diary.