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Realization of the motive of madness through the image of home in Andreyev’s works

I.A. Nazarov


Nazarov Ivan A.,

Ph.D. in Philology, senior researcher

Scientific section of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture “Mikhail Bulgakov Museum”, Moscow



The concept of home, which is traditional for Russian literature and culture, is explored in the context of the theme of madness in L. Andreyev’s novels and drama. The first of the explored contexts is the place of home at the time of revolution; here we see the conflict of changing cultural paradigms at a time when the territory of the home has lost its power to protect, becoming part of the chaos and collective madness. The second of the explored contexts is the comprehension of the place of home as a human soul: this “home” is an eternal place in with “corridor” and “rooms” are metaphors combining human instinct, feelings and thought. Another aspect of the explored theme is the concept of the asylum in L. Andreyev’s novels and drama. The third of the explored contexts is concept of the asylum in Andreyev’s prose in the socio-philosophical aspect of the topic of madness. The asylum in works by L. Andreyev is a place of insight and a model of society, illustrating the borders between the accepted norm and madness.

Keywords and phrases: L. Andreyev, living space, home, anti-home, homelessness, madness, concept of asylum.




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