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A Long Vowel Sound [a] in Verbal Wordforms of the Teless Subdialect in the Ulagan Dialect of the Telengit Languge (a Comparative Aspect)

N.D. Almadakova


Almadakova Nadezda D.,

Cand. of Philological sciences, Senior Researcher

the Center for the History and Culture of the Turks

Gorno-Altaisk State Universite, Gorno-Altaisk, Russia



The Telengit language is divided into two dialects: Ulagan and Chuya. The Ulagan dialect is the language of Telengits, which lives compactly on the territory of the Ulagan district of the Altai Republic, the Chuya dialect is the Telengits language that lives on the territory of the Kosh-Agach region. The Ulagan dialect of the Telengit language is divided into six dialects. In this article, we consider a long vowel sound aa in the Cholushman dialect of the Telengit language. The carriers of this dialect live compactly in the settlements of Balyktsha, Koo of the Cholushman Valley, located on the southern coasts of the Teletskoye Lake. The development of the topic is relevant and very promising from a purely scientific point of view, since it reveals the phonetic structure of an unknown language. The novelty of the study is that the long vowel phonemes of the Ulagan dialect in general and the Cholushman dialect in particular before our studies were not the object of a special study. The articulatory characteristic of a long vowel of sound is the same as that of a short vowel sound. A long vowel aa is used in verbal wordforms Toles of different syllabic structures.

Keywords: the Telengit language, the Ulagan dialect, the Chuya dialect, the Altai-kizhi dialect, the Altaic literary language, speaking, phoneme, word form, syllable.



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