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Special questions prosody in the Greek-Russian bilingual speech

N.V. Lukova, A.V. Garamyan


Lukova Natalia V.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Linguistics and Intercultural Communication Chair North-Caucasus Federal University — a branch in Pyatigorsk


Garamyan Arusiak V.,

Candidate of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the English Language and

Professional Communication Chair

Pyatigorsk State University



The problem of the violation of the Russian pronunciation norms by the Greek bilinguals is considered in this article. Typologically common and specific linguistic features in the prosody of the Russian, Pontic standard and interference questions are examined. The purpose of the article is to determine the prosodic characteristics of the accented Greek-Russian bilingual speech. Based on the analysis of empirical material, the authors identify a relationship between the degree of emphasis and its modal fullness in the speech of bilinguals speaking Russian and the Pontic dialect, as well as the graduation in relation to the degree of severity of accent characteristics, depending on their connotations. The authors conclude that the questions with the anxiety connotation have more characteristics responsible for the accent content.

Keywords: bilingualism, prosody, suprasegmental, the Greeks, bilinguals, interference, special question.




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