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The Speech Act “Request” in its Direct Meaning in Russian and Persian Languages

M. Shafaghi, V.B. Ivanov


Shafaghi Maryam,

Associate Professor of Russian Language and Literature at AllamehTabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Ivanov Vladimir B.,

Head of the Department of Iranian Philology Institute of Asian and African Countries, Affiliated with Lomonosov Moscow State University



Language means of politeness participating in the formulation of the speech act of «просьбы» “request” are Performative verbs: خواهش می کنم!Прошу! The registration of the speech act of the request in correspondence has its own peculiarities: in Persian there is also an official form — the past tense of the verb:خواهشمند است and in Russian the form of the first person of the plural is used: Просим! The high style of the request forms a combination of the imperative form of the verb «Позвольте!» “Let!” اجازه بفرماید! and the verb «просить» “ask”: اجازه بفرماید درخواست داشته باشم Позвольте попросить! In the formation of polite formulas of the request, such language constructs asمی­توانم  «могу», می شود «можно»,می خواهم  «хочу»,دلم می خواهد  «мне хотелось» and so on. Use of such adverbs as «добром» in Russian and با زبان خوش in the Persian language in the design of the request changes the request to the speech act «угрозу» “threat”. The meaning of the «настойчивости» “perseverance” of the speaker in the fulfillment of a given request is conveyed by adding such adverbs as مصرانه «настоятельно». The meaning of «мольбу» “supplication” acquires the speech act of the request when the adverb is obtained «Богом» تو را خدا: تو را خدا التماس می کنم Богом прошу!

Keywords: Speech Act “Request”, Language Facilities, Politeness, Threat, Perseverance.



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This article is based on an international research project between Allameh Tabataba’i University and the Moscow State University entitled (Comparison of Speech Act of “Request” in the Russian and Iranian Linguistic Environment (Requesting, Begging)).