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V. Vysotsky as the character of the novel by V. Aksyonov “Mysterious passion”

I.B. Nichiporov


Nichiporov Ilya B.,

Dr. Sci. in Philology, professor of the history of modern Russian literature and contemporary literary process of the Philological Faculty

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article offers the analysis of the problems of the world and the characters of the novel by V. Aksyonov “Mysterious passion”. The main attention is paid to the way Vlad Verticalov which is the artistic refraction of the personality of Vladimir Vysotsky. In detail the scenes involving this character; shows how through the Verticalov’s performances were transmitted the characteristic features of his creative individuality, and bard  movement as a whole.

Keywords: Aksenov, sixties, Vysotsky, author’s song.



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