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Discourse & Stylistics

A. Kiklewicz


Kiklewicz Aleksander К.,

Doctor habil., professor

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)

(Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie)



The subject of this article is the structure of modern scientific knowledge in the field of communicative linguistics, including such disciplines and directions as stylistics, pragmatics (functional pragmatics), text linguistics, (new) rhetoric, discoursology, genology, etc. The author focuses on the problem of delimitation of the functional stylistics and the theory of discoursology in perspective their subjects and thematic fields. The theoretical problem is that, the multiplication of concepts, models, and terminological systems makes unclear whether we are dealing with the different concepts, or with the different nouns/names of the same concepts, or with the different linguistic objects, different phenomena/facts of verbal behaviour. The author offers a unified communicative basis for research in the field of style and discourse, considering these categories within the stratification model of verbal behaviour.

Keywords: communicative linguistics, functional pragmatics, discourse, stylistics, functional style.



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