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The composition as the basis of the organization of the subject matter in K. Grahame’s “The Reluctant Dragon”

M.A. Burtseva, A.A. Burtsev


Burtseva Marina A.,

Сandidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor,

Department of Oriental Languages and Area Studies

North-Eastern Federal University



Burtsev Anatoly A.,

Doctor of Letters, Professor,

Department of Russian and World Literature

North-Eastern Federal University



The article studies the composition features of “The Reluctant Dragon”, a children’s fairy tale by Kenneth Grahame, a Scottish writer, one of the classics of the children’s literature. The story was published as a chapter in his Dream Days (1898). The composition as the basis of the organization of the subject matter of the work is a system of intertextual discourses and includes the following elements: various modifications of the narration (observing chronicle, emotional narrative and omniscient auctorial); phrases of the characters in the form of the agreeing / disagreeing dialogue, understanding / misunderstanding dialogue, and the opposing dialogue; a specific form of anti-dialogue; and discourse-emphasized reflections-mediations. The research of the compositional features of the English literary fairy tale, basing on the textual reality of the work, allows deeper revealing of its artistic and aesthetic value.

Keywords: composition, subject matter, discourse, narration, dialogue, meditation.




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