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Outsided Conservators: Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Tatyana Tolstaya

P.E. Spivakovsky


Spivakovsky Pavel E.,

Ph.D. Associate Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Philological Faculty,

Department of Contemporary Russian Literature and Modern Literary Process



Peculiarities of the artistic mythology of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Tatiana Tolstaya are analyzed in the article and both obvious differences and surprising similarities caused by the specificity of their artistic systems and poetics are revealed. Conservative modernism which is shown in the creative work of both writers and their striving for independence in elaborating their own position and judgements formed their “outsidedness” (“vnenakhodimost”) in the literature of their epoch. Despite of the sharp and highly categorical rejection of Solzhenitsyn in publicism, Tolstaya involuntary converges with him at the level of the poetics in the depiction of the people’s life in her novel Slynx. Also unexpected convergence between Tolstaya and Solzhenitsyn are manifested when Tolstaya addresses the issue of the people and intelligentsia.

Keywords: outsidedness (vnenakhodimost’), conservative modernism, Slynx, national mythology, literary mythology.



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