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Motive of the simulation and the verification of madness in S.O. Broyde’s novel “In the madhouse”

I.A. Nazarov


Nazarov Ivan A.,

Ph. D. in Philology; senior researcher;

Scientific section of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture

“Mikhail Bulgakov Museum”, Moscow



The article analyzes one of the motives of Solomon Oscarovich Broyde’s creative work — the motive of madness. The author considers the original interpretation of madness theme in the Soviet literature of the 1920–1930s by the example of the novel by S.O. Broyde “In the madhouse”: specificity of madman and madhouse image, motives of verification and simulation of mental illness, motives for physical and metaphysical escape from a psychiatric hospital, social-philosophical problem of establishing the border between sanity and madness. In the context of the subject matter studied, parallels with the works of N.S. Leskov, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Andreyev, A. Bely, M.A. Bulgakov and other authors.

Keywords and phrases: S.O. Broyde; L.N. Andreyev; phenomenon of madness; madman image; madhouse image; motive of verification of mental illness; motive of simulation of mental illness.



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