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Archetypical opposition “own – alien” as a mechanism of formation of the dichothomy “God – Devil” (on the material of the Ostromir Gospel of 1056–1057)

N.V. Pisar


Dr. Nadezhda V. Pisar,

associate Professor

Kaliningrad State Technical University,

Fundamental training faculty, Department of Russian language



The author considers on the material of the Ostromir Gospel of 1056–1057 the opposition “own – alien” as one of the archetypal ways of categorizing various objects, including such substances as God and devil. The aim of the research is the finding of lexeme-representatives of lexical-semantic fields “God” and “devil”, in the semantics of which contain signs of “own” and “alien”, the determination of the specifics of the functioning of these lexemes in the text, determining of the degree of their influence on the construction in the consciousness of the ancients Slavs of the corresponding ideas about God and devil. By dint of etymological, functional-semantic, contextual, linguoaxiological analysis, etc. it is found that the oldest opposition “own – alien” is one of the mechanisms for creating the dichotomy “God – devil”, on basis of which in the Christian consciousness the Lord is interpreted as something “own, native”, that protecting the person, doing good, and Satan is represented as “alien”, the enemy that brings evil.

Keywords: semantic, dichotomy, own, alien, God, devil, Ostromir Gospel, XI century.




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