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Linguocultureme “bread” and phraseological expressions with component “bread” in Russian and Persian languages

V.P.Sinyachkin, M. Shafaghi, A. Tamimdari



Sinyachkin Vladimir,

Professor, Head of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Department,

Peoples’ friendship university of Russia, Moscow


Shafaghi Maryam,

Senior lecturer

AllamehTabatabai University, Teheran, Iran


Tamimdari Ahmad,

Professor of Persian litreture,

AllamehTabatabai University, Teheran, Iran



This article is devoted to the comprehension of the universal concept of human culture “bread”. On the basis of its comparative analysis in Russian and Persian linguocultures, the authors identify stable (basic) semantic components of the macrostructure, which act as ethno social determinants in the linguocultures of the two languages. These elements determine maxims of social behavior, communicative standards, basic values of a particular collective. Despite the fact that the presented language systems are heterogeneous both typologically and mentally, the concept “bread” has a number of similar meanings in them, which indicates its universality.

Keywords: linguo-culture, the concept “bread”, linguo-culturemes “hospitality”, “a piece of bread”.



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