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Contacting of languages and cultures: improvement and disappearance. Article-review about the collective monograph “Linguistic world image of Teleuts”

U.M. Bakhtikireeva, M. Dzhusupov, K.O. Saparova


Bahtikireeva Uladanai M.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

The Department of the Russian language and intercultural communication

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow



Dzhusupov Mahanbet,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

The Department of the Russian language and literature

Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent



Saparova Kunduz O.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor

The Department of the Russian language and literature

Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent



Araeva, L.A., Bulgakova, O.A., Kalent’eva, L.S. and etc. A.V. Proskurina (Ed.). Language world image of the Teleuts. Monograph. Kemerovo, 2016, 236 c.



This article deals with problems of endangered languages of smaller peoples like the Teleut language — language of indigenous people, who live in the Northern part of the Russian Federation. One language is dominating and being donor to other as a result of contacting of different languages. Donorship of dominating languages gradually extrudes languages and cultures of smaller peoples, and those languages little by little die out. The Teleut language is expressive, picturesque and immensely colorful. It embodies originality of culture, everyday life and world view of Teleut people. The collective monograph “Linguistic world image of Teleuts” was written to discover cognitive, linguocultural, gender and other peculiarities of that endangered language. The object of monograph is striving of authors to keep the linguistic world image of Teleuts in the written source and to demonstrate the uniqueness of culture by comparing with fragments of the linguistic world images of Teleuts and other peoples. Authors of that paper analyzed monograph and state the point of view about the opportunities of saving the endangered Teleut language: It is impossible to save the Teleut language and culture in the process of globalization, thus it is found under the dominating other (the Russian) language and culture.

Keywords: contacting of languages, dominating language, endangered language, Teleut language, linguistic world image, frame, cultural values, globalization.



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