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O.O. Suleymenov:“… with ears cut off” or “…with tail chopped off” (sematnic-stylistical aspect)

Dzhusupov Nursultan Mahanbet uly


Dzhusupov Nursultan M.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate professor

The department of the stylistics of the English language

Uzbek State University of World Languages



The article deals with the problem of synonymic substitution of the word in the context of written and spoken form of the work of O.O. Suleymenov on the material of improvised poetical contest of Urak-batyr and Kara-batyr, based on using the method of stylistic experiment. Semantic-stylistic features of two variants of the text are analyzed in similarities and differences of meanings of the stylistic palette, in emotionally expressive coloring of a word, in degree of esthetic influence over reader and listener. There is concluded in the article, that substitution of graphic form “but he is like a dog with ears cut off” to “but he is like a dog with tail chopped off” in spoken speech gives the line and whole strophe semantic and stylistic nuance of the categoricalness, the instantaneity of the action, peremptoriness and fabulousness, as there is no man with tail cut chopped off, but the man with ears cut off can exist. Such substitution of the word in the context reduces the degree of stylistic meanings of neglectfulness, insultingness and terms of sarcasm.

Keywords: ears cut off, tail chopped off, strophe, semantic, synonymy, stylistic experiment, graphic, spoken.




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