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“Grammar of the French and Russian” (1730): problem of its authorship

S.V. Vlasov, L.V. Moskovkin


Vlasov Sergei V.,

PhD, associate professor of the Department of the French language,

Faculty of the foreign languages

Saint Petersburg State University



Moskovkin Leonid V.,

Doctor of Education, Professor of Department of the Russian as a foreign language and methods of its teaching

Faculty of Philology

Saint Petersburg State University



The article deals with the results of the attribution of the “Grammaire Françoise et Russe” (1730), the first textbook of Russian as a foreign language, published in Russia. The linguistic analysis of the French and Russian parts of its text and the analysis of documents of the Saint Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences show that the most probable author of the “Grammaire Françoise et Russe” was Johann Caspar Taubert, a relative of J.D. Schumacher that was the chief of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. J.C. Taubert was a German-Russian bilingual, pupil of the Academic Gymnasium, studying the French language. The “Grammaire Françoise et Russe”, written by order of Imbert, a French merchant, as a self-study grammar book of the Russian for French-speaking people, presents the colloquial Russian language of Saint Petersburg Germans of the first third of the 18th century. It should not be considered a school grammar. It bears no relation to the academic grammatical tradition.

Keywords: history of linguistics, 18th century, Imperial Academy of Sciences, “Grammar French and Russian”, attribution, Johann Caspar Taubert.




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