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Experience of formation of Russian science school: M.N. Kozhina’ scientific stylistic school

M.P. Kotyurova


Kotyurova Mariya P.,

Dr. Sci. in Philology, Professor,

Department of Russian language and Stilistic

Perm State University



Considered are the prerequisites and stages of formation of the scientific stylistic school. The prerequisites are: intellectual readiness to perceive new concepts, the birth of an idea from the mass of debatable judgments of predecessors, activation of harmonious thinking, including theoretical and empirical beginnings, awareness of the epistemic situation in the ontological, methodological and axiological aspects of its formation. There are four stages of the formation of M.N. Kozhina’ scientific stylistic school: 1 – fundamental, 2 – intensive, 3 – extensive, 4 – synthesizing.

Keywords: stylistics of the Russian language, Perm University, M.N. Kozhina, a science school.




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