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First Croatian translations of A.P. Chekhov’s literary works

S. Nikoletic


Nikoletić Sandra,

Second year PhD Student,

Faculty of Philology, Department of History of Modern Russian Literature and Contemporary Literary Process

Lomonosov Moscow State University



This article is devoted to the first Croatian translations of Chekhov's short stories and plays, published in Croatian literary journals and newspapers at the end of the XIX beginning of the XX century, as well as to unpublished translations of plays, made especially for the theater. The focus of this article is on translations made during Chekhov's life by cultural figures, writers and translators A. Harambasić, M. Mareković, I. Gojtan, N. Andrić, M. Lovrenčević. Chekhov’s literary works attracted the attention of readers not only in his homeland, but also throughout the world, first of all in Slavic countries. The Croatian language was the first foreign language into which in the late 80s and the 90s of the XIX century many Chekhov’s stories and plays were translated, therefore, it is important to show the invaluable contribution made by translators in acquainting the Croatian readers with his works.

Keywords: Chekhov, stories, novels, plays, translations, translators, translations made during Chekhov's lifetime, Croatian language.



1. Dezhelich, V. Dr. August Harambashich. Zagreb: Tisak Antuna Sholca, 1911.

2. Lovrenchevich, M. Predislovie i perevod. In: Niz novijih pripoviesti ruskih. Zagreb: Tisak K. Albrechta (Jos. Wittach), 1896.

3. Lovrenchevich, M. Predislovie i perevod. In: A.P. Chehov. Izabrane pripoviesti. Zagreb: Dionichka tiskara u Zagrebu, 1905.

4. Flaker, A. Pravashtvo i ruska knjizhevnost (doktorska disertacija). Zagreb. 1954.

5. Chehov, A.P. P'esy. S.-Petersburg: Izdanie A.S. Suvorina. 1897.

6. Chehov A.P. Polnoe sobranie sochinenij i pisem [Full coll. works & letters] in 30 vols. Letters in 12 vols. 2nd ed. Moscow: Nauka, 2007.