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The interpretation of the socio-cultural environment in the German children’s verse form folklore

M.V. Petrova


Petrova Maria V.,

PhD in philological Science,

Lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article deals with the socio-cultural verbal images of the family and the characters of the nearest child's environment in the German children's verse folklore which form the basis of the children's picture of the world: members of a family, contemporaries, teachers. There are detected the stereotypical features of these images which vary according to the folklore work’s genre. There are established and analyzed significant differences in the nature and interpretation of the key socio-cultural images of the classic children's folklore and children’s folklore itself. The article gives both descriptive characteristics of images and axiological meanings which reflect the system of rules, assessments and values which has arisen in German children’s minds. It is analyzed that embodiment of these ideas in the folklore texts realizes with the help of certain linguistic resources. There was given a review of archetypal categories of children's poetic folklore: good and evil, foolish and wisdom, wealth and poverty.

Keywords: the language picture of the world, children's folklore, the stereotypical image, the subculture of childhood, the cultural and linguistic image, the socio-cultural image, the socio-cultural space, poetic children's folklore, classic children's folklore, children's folklore itself.




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