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Pecularities of the derivation of composite adverbs within the verbal nests of the Russian language

E.V. Baronova, N.A. Krupnova, D.L. Morozov


Baronova Elena V.,

associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages and cultures Arzamas Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Research University n.a. N.I. Lobachevsky (Arzamas, Russia)



Krupnova Nataliya A.,

associate professor, candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages and cultures Arzamas Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Research University n.a. N.I.Lobachevsky (Arzamas, Russia)



Morozov Dmitry L.,

associate professor, candidate of education sciences, senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages and cultures Arzamas Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Research University n.a. N.I. Lobachevsky (Arzamas, Russia)



The focus of this paper is the derivation of composite adverbs within the verbal nests. The main way of the word-formation of the units under consideration is stem composition combined with other types. The article also draws attention to the adverbs with a multiple derivational structure, analyzes the peculiarities of the derivation mechanisms of these polystructural formations and identifies different motivational stems of composite adverbs in order of their representation in the word-formation of these units. Polimotivirovannye adverb-composites are formed on the basis of phrases with subordinative relationships, and clarifying component in terms of its membership of one or another part of speech can be expressed as a noun and an adjective, an adverb, numeral, pronoun less.

Keywords: derivational mechanisms, composites, derivational nests, a plurality of a derivational structure, polystructural formations, motivational stems, subordinate relation of stems.



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