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A Person’s name in a space of time and area

E.S. Velishaeva


Velishaeva Elvina S.,

Lecturer, Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Russian Philology

Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan



The article is developed to a matter of functioning of a personal name in society. The personal name in the work is considered in all variety of interpretation. The nature of a name is many-sided: divine gift, social need, magic symbol, emotional sign, carrier of extralinguistic universals. The anthroponymics problem is analysed; composition of dictionaries of names, experience of composition of dictionaries of Old Russian names from the earliest works in this area to results of the latest researches; the comparative research of the principles of selection of names and ways of their presentation in dictionaries is conducted; much attention is paid to the analysis “The Dictionary of Old Russian personal names 11—14 cс.” —classification, a tipologization, alphabetic construction; three more dictionaries are analysed; the comparative description of their contents and structure is carried out; the prospects of creation of similar dictionaries on material of the modern languages both Slavic, and other families are defined.

Keywords: onomastics, anthroponymics, a sign nature of a name, anthroponomical dictionaries.




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