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About rhetorical questions with a negative polarity (on a contrastive-comparative materiel of English and Russian)

I.F. Ragosina


Ragosina Inna F.,

PhD in Philolоgy, Associated Professor,

Departement of Linguistics

“Dubna” State University, Dubna, Russia



It has been stated that the rhetorical question (RQ) with a negative polarity can appear as a responsive utterance in two types of a dialogue that is cooperative and polemic. Depending of that, they carry objective (descriptive) and polemic negation loaded with different modal shades. A specific type of dialogue has been discovered in which RQs serving as an initiating utterance are imparted with a negative-evaluating meaning (blame). An utterance-response represents justification.

Keywords: negative polarity, cooperative dialogue, polemic dialogue, objective negation, polemic negation, related modal meaning, rhetorical indicators.




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