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The image of modern teacher in context of psychological and school everyday reality (based on the novel O. Kamaeva “Elka. From school with love (Teacher's Diary)”)

N.S. Belikova


Belikova Natalia S.,

A graduate student at Philological faculty,

the Department of History of Russian literature of XX—XXI centuries

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The paper describes the image of a teacher in Olga Kamaeva’s work. Analyzed the range of following issues: the humanistic ideals of a teacher; axiological sphere of character; educational concepts of personality totally and teacher’s own. I get following results: the profession of a teacher creates a conflict common reality and proclaimed ideals of a teacher; communicative misunderstanding within institute of school due by teacher’s axiological world.

Keywords: the image of a teacher, the toponym “school”, Olga Kamaeva, axiology, the concept of education, the relations “teacher-student”.



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