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Some pragmatic peculiarities in sentiment analysis

E.G. Borisova


Borisova Elena G.,

PhD (Linguistics), Doc. Hab, Professor

Moscow State Linguistic University, Department of PR, Professor,

Moscow City University, Institute for foreign Languages, guest professor



The article deals with lexis that can reveal some information about the communicants (mostly about the Speaker) and the circumstances of their communication. This information can be presented as a part of the lexical meaning of the pragmatic nature along with the denotative, significative parts of meaning, connotations (marking emotions etc.) This is what to be taken into consideration by sentiment analysis. The article is focused on pragmatic pecuiarities of texts and points out information necessary for correct estimation of sentiments. The pragmatic component of meaning includes information about register (formal, vulgar etc.), associations with demographic characteristics (marked for usage by representatives of gender, age, territorial, professional groups), political manifestivity (words typical vs impossible for some political, confessional groups). This information is extremely important for sentimental strength analysis as it makes it possible to cope with sarcasm (rather often in media) that radically changes estimation expressed by the author of an article or a post in Social media. Some other peculiarities concerning opinion of social groups can also be of importance. The possible changing in positiveness/ negativeness of nouns and epithets are analyzed on material of psycholinguistic experiments in Russian in 1996—2012. The necessity of including neologism, quotations that are widely used in political texts and as mems in Internet is also discussed. The project of the dictionary that includes the pragmatic information necessary for sentimental strength analysis is proposed.

Keywords: sentiment strength, discourse, political text, social communication, neologisms, manifestive lexis.





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