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The Verse Translation as Synthesis of Poetics of the Author and the Translator (as an Example of the Translations of Christina Rossetti’s poem “Up-hill”)

L.Ja. Ziman


Ziman Leonid Jа.,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences,

Associate professor of Early Learning of Foreign Languages Institute,

Moscow City Teachers’ Training University (MCTTU),

Member of Moscow Writer’s Union



In this article the translations of Christina Rossetti’s allegorical poem “Up-hill”, made by M. Lukashkina and V. Toporov, are compared with each other. The specifics of translators’ poetic thinking effect verse translations in one way or another. Lukashkina translates the title of the poem as «В гору», Toporov translates it as «Восхождение». The genre and content differences between the translations are reflected in the grammatical structure, punctuation, lexical layers. Lukashkina’s translation is in point of fact a ballad of an up-hill wayfarer, and a bed is waiting for him. Toporov’s translation is a Christian parable of spiritual ascension. This translation may be reputed as comment, interpretation of Rossetti’s poem.

Keywords: allegory, translation, ballad, parable, spiritual ascension.



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