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Linguistic Limology

A.A. Boronin, N.A. Motina
80,00 ₽


Boronin Alexander A.,

doctor of philological sciences, associate professor,

professor at the English Language Theory and Practice Department of the Faculty of Romanic and Germanic Languages of the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication at

Moscow State Regional University


Motina Natalia A.,

post-graduate student (the 2nd year of study) of the Department of English Philology of the Faculty of Romanic and Germanic Languages of the Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication

Moscow State Regional University



A new research field (linguistic limology) is described in the article. The academic pre-requisites of its appearance are mentioned, including N. Bohr’s complementarity principle. Polyreality treated as a result of communicative demarcation of surrounding things in existence is considered to be one of the major linguistic causes of actualization of linguistic limology. This cause is accompanied by the factor of lacunarity of communication embodied in a lacunary mental substructure of verbal message. The new linguistic object (boundary/limit) is postulated, thus introducing the new methodological approach into speech studies and eliminating definitional treatment of speech phenomena (especially, text). The issues in question (kinds of determination of limological parameters of texts belonging to different genres, multifacet character of the notion of limit/boundary, expedience of distinguishing of limological discourse, elaboration of classification of limits/boundaries while studying linguistic phenomena, etc) are enumerated. The general methodological base of linguistic limology as a new theory is briefly characterized. Two main procedures (segmentation and delimitation) are marked out for text interpretation. New notions (sign-compensator and communicative-cognitive lacunarity) are introduced. The sketches of limological analysis of texts are represented. The transformation of fictional communicative context into a compound meta-sign is stressed. The authors promote multidisciplinary interpretation of limological data.

Keywords: boundary/limit, linguistic limology, segmentation, delimitation, interpretation of literary text, compound meta-sign.




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