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The typology of semantic-syntactical relations of components of a complicated sentence

I.V. Kononenko
80,00 ₽


Kononenko Iryna V.,

Doctor of Philological sciences

University of Warsaw (Poland), Faculty of Appled Linguistics



The article deals with the types of semantic-syntactic relations within the groups of homogeneous asyndetic and heterogeneous attributes in the Russian language. The relations of semantic converging, contrasting, cause etc. evolve between the attributes on the basis of common / opposed semes in the corresponding adjectives. The study of homogeneous and heterogeneous attributes has demonstrated the development of similar semantic-syntactic relations within the blocks of these units. At the same time, the relations between homogeneous attributes display a greater degree of explicitness in comparison with heterogeneous attributes. In the conditions of homogeneity, the common seme of adjectives is actualized; it becomes the dominant factor that determines the uniqueness of the attributes. In the combinations with heterogeneous attributes, the nominated features are determined by the author of the speech, though the corresponding adjectives may have common semes. Collapsed sentences, the bearers of which are the combinations of homogeneous and heterogeneous attributes, are imposed upon a proposition of the sentences, making it more complicated. Thus, sentences with two or more attributes are a part of the group of complicated ones.

Keywords: attribute, homogeneous, heterogeneous, typology, semantic-syntactic, relation, complicated, sentence, Russian language.





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