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Specific features of modern Armenian prose

E.A. Kalantarjan
80,00 ₽


Kalantarjan Eugene A.,

Doctor of Philology, the Professor of Chair of the Literary theory and the Literary criticism of the Yerevan State University,

Honoured worker of a science of Republic Armenia



In article the laws characterising the Armenian prose of last quarter of the century are considered. According to the author though the reasons of ideologically-philosophical transformations in the literature are connected with political changes in Armenia and the world, the Armenian art word makes comments on them not directly as it is inherent in realism, and indirectly — poetic means, characteristic for a postmodernism. Article is constructed by a principle of genre analysis that allows to see more accurately new quality in art creativity.

Keywords: the Armenian literature, a genre, a theme, a postmodernism, national originality.


References (in Armenian)


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2.           Arutiunian S. Gruppovoi portret umershikh i bessmertnykh. Erevan: Edit-print, 2013. S. 344.

3.           Grigorian V. Reka vremeni. Erevan: Zangak-97, 2008. S. 500.

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