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Comparative Turns in the Works of V.A. Peczukh

O.V. Tishchenko
80,00 ₽


Tishchenko Olga V.

Project coordinator of the Association «Russian national Committee of International chamber of Commerce — the world business organization», Moscow



The subject of this article is comparing in the works of V.A. Piecuch. The analysis is performed on the books of the author including a collection of “2016. Stories. Story. Essays” (2017). Piecuch uses different types of comparisons to underline paradoxality life, enhance artistic sensibility, creating a unique author’s style.

Keywords: V.A. Peczukh, idiostyle, comparison, conceptual scope, metaphor, function.




Primary sources

  1. Peczukh, V.A. Derevenskie dnevniki. Moscow: Globulus, 2007, 240 p.
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  1. Pervyj tolkovyj BES. St. Petersburg: Norint; Moscow: Publ. House “RIPOL klassik”, 2006, 2144 p.