Mark Lipovetsky,
Russian-American literary scholar and critic,
Professor of Russian Studies at the Department of Germanic
and Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Colorado-Boulder, U.S.A.
E-mail: mark.leiderman@Colorado.EDU
The article discusses scholarly heritage of Naum Leiderman as a theorist and as a historian of Russian literature of the twentieth centiury. Leiderman’s scholarly ideas are situated in the context of his biography.
Keywords: Naum Leiderman, theory of the genre, history of the twentieth-century Russian literature, Postrealism.
1. Lejderman N.L. Sovremennaja hudozhestvennaja proza o Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne. Tendencii razvitija: Avtoref. dis… kand. filolog. nauk; MGPI im. V.I. Lenina. — M., 1967; 1968.
2. Lejderman N.L. Sovremennaja hudozhestvennaja proza o Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne (Istoriko-literaturnyj process i razvitie zhanrov. 1955—1970). Posobie po speckursu: v 2-h ch. — Sverdlovsk: Ch. 1. — 1973. Ch. 2. — 1974.
3. Lejderman N.L. Dvizhenie vremeni i zakony zhanra: Zhanrovye zakonomernosti razvitija sovetskoj prozy v 60—70-e gg. — Sverdlovsk, 1982.
4. Lejderman N.L. Ta gorst' zemli…: Lit.-krit. st. — Sverdlovsk, 1988.
5. Lejderman N.L. Russkaja literaturnaja klassika XX veka: Monograf. ocherki. — Ekaterinburg, 1996.
6. Lejderman N.L. Dramaturgija Nikolaja Koljady: Kritich. ocherk. — Kamensk-Ural., 1997; 2-e izd. — Pervoural'sk, 2003.
7. Lejderman N.L. i Lipoveckij M.N. Sovremennaja russkaja literatura: 1950—1990-e gody. T. 1: 1953—1968. T. 2: 1968—1990. — M.:URSS, 2001; M.: Akademija, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.
8. Lejderman N.L. Postrealizm: Teor. ocherk. — Ekaterinburg, 2005.
9. Lejderman N.L. Teorija zhanra: Issledovanija i razbory. — Ekaterinburg, 2010.
10. Russkaja literatura XX veka: 1917—1920-e gg. / Pod red. N.L. Lejdermana. — M.: Akademija, 2012. V 2-h t.