Maslova Valentina A.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (Vitebsk, Belarus)
Danich Oksana V.,
Сandidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (Vitebsk , Belarus)
The article proposes to look at linguoculturology from the perspective of new knowledge gained not only in linguistics, but also in philosophy, cultural studies, poetics, hermeneutics. Modern linguoculturology as an independent branch of knowledge can consistently describe the cultural semantics of linguistic signs, which is formed on the basis of the interaction of two different semiotic systems; it can establish to which part of the meaning of a linguistic sign “cultural meanings” are attached; it is able to explain how culture participates in the creation of mental formations, which are clusters of cultural meanings. But it’s time for a new turn of science towards deep cultural knowledge hidden in linguistic signs. In this article, linguoculturology is considered as a way to comprehend the deep model of culture through language. In this regard, the article raises several questions: through the boundaries of semantics — into the figurative and metaphorical space of culture; linguoculturology for the interpretation of complex cultural texts: dialogue is the way to deep knowledge in poetry; the general didactic aspect.
Keywords: cultural model, deep knowledge, mentality, dialogue of consciousnesses, cultural competence, linguistic and cultural dictionary
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