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The magazine “Children's Reading for Heart and Mind”: Specifics of the genre of conversation and the role of the publication in Siberian culture

N.V. Prodanik
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UDC 821.161.1-94+808.2(051)

Prodanik Nadezhda V.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Literature and Cultural Studies Department

Omsk State Pedagogical University



The article reconstructs the historical and cultural context that caused the appeal to the genre of conversation in N.I. Novikov’s magazine “Children’s Reading for Heart and Mind”. It is determined that the interest to this genre was caused by the convergence of literary and colloquial speech in the Russian culture of the second half of the 18th century, pedagogical ideas of the co-authors of the magazine — their thoughts about the intellectual activity of children in dialogues with adults.

The following genre elements of conversation in the publications of “Children’s Reading” are established: question-answer structure of the text, interrupting an entertaining story; appeal to the counterpoint of judgments as a way to keep the child’s attention and create a situation of choosing an answer. The specificity of the genre of conversation in Novikov’s edition consists in the serious tone of dialogues between adults and children, in the minimization of diminutive and affectionate lexemes, and in the appeal to philosophical themes. Punctuation and graphic elements of the conversation — dashes and italics — perform the function of logical and semantic accents, helping the young reader to join the intonation pattern of native speech, to understand more accurately what is written. In the article it is considered what role the first children’s domestic edition played in provincial culture — in the space of Siberia: the magazine introduced Siberian readers to literature, contributed to the formation of Siberian literature — some publications of “Children’s Reading…” were included in the Tobolsk “Historical Journal”.

Keywords: Russian culture and literature of the late 18th — early 19th centuries, N.I. Novikov, “Children’s Reading for Heart and Mind”, the genre of conversation, lexical-stylistic and punctuation-graphic features of the conversation genre, Siberian literature

The study was carried out within the framework of the work of the scientific laboratory “Regional Literature in the Context of Historical and Cultural Traditions of the XIX-XXI Centuries” (intra-university grant)



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