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Text and subtext : Psychological interpretation of the images of the heroes of H.C. Andersen’s fairy tales

I.M. Slobodchikov
80,00 ₽
UDC 821.113.4-32

Slobodchikov Ilya M.,

Doctor of Psychology,

Professor of the of Russian Studies, Ethnocentric Pedagogy and Digital Didactics Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Based on the author’s principle of emotionocentricity, the article analyzes, in the context of the analysis of European fairy tales, in particular the texts of H.C. Andersen’s fairy tales, the interaction of a literary text and its subtexts. The process of “creating” psychological “reflections” of the images of the characters of the works is shown as a result of the immersion of the textual basis into the emotional space of the personality, in the logic of subjective personal experience of experiencing and eventful living. In essence, it is a process of emotional reinterpretation of the text, the process of forming a new meaningful textual counterstructure (a construct opposite to the generally accepted perception of the hero).

Keywords: emotionocentricity, reflection, subtext, psychological interpretation, fairy tale, H.C. Andersen



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