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Application of artificial intelligence algorithms in linguistic education

N.D. Afanasieva, A.A. Vasileva
80,00 ₽
UDC 81+004.8

Afanasieva Nina D.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Head of the Russian Language Department

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia


eLibrary SPIN code: 7446-9609

Vasileva Anna A.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia


eLibrary SPIN code: 6897-0178


The article is devoted to the implementation of artificial intelligence in the process of teaching foreign languages to students of non-language universities. In the course of the research the authors refer to the online platform ChatGPT. Students can practice their communication skills in Russian with the help of this program. This paper discusses various artificial intelligence-based services that are applied in the field of language education. Among them are adaptive learning platforms, language learning and assessment applications, and speech recognition and pronunciation correction tools. The purpose of the article is to identify experimentally and analyze the effectiveness of using artificial intelligence in modeling the communicative culture of a non-language university student. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in the learning process, including the convenience of accessing lessons, the ability to communicate in real time. It also considers the effectiveness of the platform in helping students improve their knowledge and skills in learning Russian and some linguistic and methodological aspects of using modern achievements in the field of artificial neural networks as one of the methods of creating foreign-language professional content and developing control and measurement materials to assess the level of students’ mastery of foreign-language communicative competence in the conditions of digitalization of education in Russia. In artificial intelligence, linguistic intelligence is related to the ability of machines to gracefully understand and create human language that is both situational and accurate. The authors conclude that students can use various artificial intelligence platforms in their practice, but it cannot become an effective tool in the formation of communicative culture of students learning Russian as a foreign language.

Keywords: digital learning, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, student’s communicative culture


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