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Conceptualization of the concept “Russian language” in Chinese social networks

E.N. Strelchuk, Iu.V. Aleshkina
80,00 ₽
UDC 811.161.1+004.55(510)

Strelchuk Elena N.,

Doctor of Pedagogy,

Associate Professor of the Russian and Teaching Methodology Department

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Aleshkina Iuliia V.,

Master’s degree student of the Russian and Teaching

Methodology Department

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia;

Leading Specialist in Working with Chinese Partners

Russian-Chinese Business Council



Bilateral relations between Russia and China have reached a new level, so interest in Russia and the Russian language has increased significantly. The Chinese talk about the Russian language on ordinary social networks that are not related to educational services. The purpose of the article is to conceptualize the concept of ‘Russian language’ in Chinese social networks. Two social networks were chosen as research materials — Weibo and Douyin. The concept “Russian language” (俄语) was entered in the search strings of both networks, and as a result, 80 topics and 15 supertopics were selected. Using the frame approach, the structure of the concept ‘Russian language’ is determined, including frames and subframes. It was revealed that the greatest interest among the Chinese is in education in Russian, so the frame ‘Russian language’ — education” was specified with the subframes ‘graduate studies’, ‘study of the Russian language’, ‘levels of Russian language proficiency’, ‘teacher of the Russian language’. Factors that contribute to the development of interest in learning the Russian language in China are considered.

Keywords: Russian language, Russia and China, concept, social networks, interest in the Russian language


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