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Ordinary vs. uniqueness of a linguistic personality in discourse practices of modern linguistic culture

S.N. Elnikova, L.G. Zolotykh, O.Yu. Kosmacheva
80,00 ₽
UDC 81`27

Elnikova Svetlana I.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

First Deputy Director of the Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Zolotykh Lidiia G.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Institute of Foreign Languages

Sichuan University (Chengdu, China)


Kosmacheva Olga Yu.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Astrakhan State University namеd after V.N. Tatishchev


Linguistic personality as a phenomenon of integration of language, man, and culture is determined by the linguo-cultural community, which reveals the nature of language as a systemic sign formation, as a historically changeable entity, as a universal embodiment of all human mental modalities, and as an ethno- and socially determined phenomenon. The presented vectors of scientific interpretation of the multidimensionality of the concept ‘linguistic personality’ made it possible to identify as the subject of the research such categorical characteristics of a linguistic personality as ordinary and uniqueness, considered in various discursive practices. The pairing of dynamic linguistic processes of the late 20th — early 21st centuries and the distinctive historical, ethno-, socio- and psycho-linguistic characteristics of a native Russian speaker determined the problem statement as identifying changes in the value, cultural and personal content of the linguistic personality, reflected by discursive practices. The author’s approach to the interpretation of the ordinary versus the universality of the linguistic personality is based on Yu.N. Karaulov’s three-level structural model. The transformational flexibility of the ordinary versus the universality of the linguistic personality at the verbal-semantic level is revealed. The significance of the ordinary-semantic level in the modern communicative environment is determined. The universality of the linguistic personality in a ‘language style’ creation and its use is shown. The correlation of semiotic essence as the center of organizational discourse and social interaction as the basis of discursive practices motivates the study of new means of communication.

Keywords: linguistic personality, discursive practices, ordinary, universality, level of linguistic personality


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