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The picture of the world and the linguistic picture of the world in the concept the-saurus of contemporary linguistics

A.A. Lavitski
80,00 ₽

UDC 81-11
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.137

Lavitski Anton A.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor 
Belarussian State Pedagogical University;
Head of the Law, Social and Humanitarian Discipline Department
MITSO International University (Vitebsk, Belarus)


The Picture of the World is a fundamental concept for the whole paradigm of fundamental knowledge. M. Heidegger, who made the term the Picture of the World current in the theory of linguistics, described and revealed its essence but did not present its terminological definition. This created a certain conceptual lacuna when in linguistics the Picture of the World was interpreted both as a model of the world and its scheme, mental structure etc. The general understanding of the phenomenon though, still does not contradict Heidegger’s ideas. In linguistics the Picture of the World became the “forefather” of the term the Linguistic Picture of the World. Since it did not find reflection in Heidegger’s theory its conceptual meaning was understood in various branches of linguistics in various ways. Two vectors of understanding the Linguistic Picture of the World became widespread. According to the first one the Linguistic Picture of the World practically coincides in its content with the Picture of the World. As arguments, adherents of this trend appeal to the fact that the language is able to verbalize any conceptual ideas and images of the Picture of the World. The second trend considers the Linguistic Picture of the World as a part or an element of the Picture of the World which is connected with the language. It is pointed out that that the language has its own picture of the world which is fixed in its semiotic system, which was indicated by W. von Humboldt. To solve the conceptual issue the author of the article suggests referring to several factors. First, the Picture of the World is shaped by all forms of the personality psychic activity not only in the process of communicative interaction. Secondly, it is kept in the consciousness not only in the linguistic shell but also in the form of frames, gestalts, images etc. Thirdly, the Picture of the World is made object-like in symbol forms but it does not fully fix in any of them (according to B.A. Serebrennikov). The detailed analysis of these ideas makes it possible to interpret the Linguistic Picture of the World as a form of the implementation of the Picture of the World.

Keywords: the Picture of the World, the Linguistic Picture of the World, the image of the world, the model of the world, linguistic terminology, consciousness, linguistic consciousness



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