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J. Brodsky’s poem “Spanish Dancer” in the context of a supertextual unity about knowledge

M.A. Buraia
80,00 ₽

UDC 821.161.1-1
DOI 10.20339/PhS.3-24.099


Buraia Mariia A., 
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language and Literature Department
Oriental Institute — School of Regional and International Studies 
Far Eastern Federal University;
F.M. Dostoevsky Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy


The study was funded by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (RNF, project No. 22-28-01671,; Russian Christian Humanities Academy named after F.M. Dostoevsky. 

The purpose of this article is to consider a poem by Joseph Brodsky as part of a special non-traditional cyclic formation, which is distinguished within the framework of the poet’s work — a supertextual unity with a main theme of cognition. The poetic material under analysis is represented by such poems by Brodsky as “Burning”, “I Was Only What”, “25. XII. 1993”, “Spanish Dancer”, in the course of intertextual comparisons in the analysis of Brodsky’s mythopoetic picture of the world the poem “Silentium” by O. Mandelshtam was also involved. The main methods of research: the method of contextual analysis, comparative method. The initial hypothesis was the assumption of the inclusion of the poem “Spanish Dancer” in the supertextual unity about cognition, consisting of such private elements as love, Christmas, Italian texts. To confirm this hypothesis, we analyzed the connections of the selected poem with the leading works of the supertextual unity, which can represent these elements. Such texts were “I was only what” and “Burning” for the love and Italian texts, “25. XII. 1993” for the Christmas text. As a result of the analysis, we found identical or similar features of the above poems at different levels of the artistic whole. At the level of chronotope — the belonging of the works to the evening or night time with the motif of dynamic movement from evening to morning. Special attention was paid to the motif of fire/light with its symbolic meaning. On the level of lyrical plot, the initiatic type model was described and analyzed, where the main event — the hero’s perception of the dance — corresponds to the leading event of the metasubject of the supertextual unity — dying in the former quality and rebirth in the new one with the acquisition of the gift of the poetic word. The connection with the Christmas story of transfiguration and change of status from profane to sacred was also established. Separately, the cosmogonic and apocalyptic motifs peculiar to all the mentioned works have been considered.

Keywords: Joseph Brodsky, supertextual unity, “Spanish Dancer”



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