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Features of retrospect in D.H. Lawrence’s novell “Sun”

M.N. Nikolaeva, O.Ya. Fedorenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 81`42:821.111-31

DOI  10.20339/PhS.1-24.056    


Nikolaeva Marina N.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the English Philology Department

Institute of Foreign Languages

Moscow City Pedagogical University


Fedorenko Olga Ya.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the English Philology Department

Institute of Foreign Languages

Moscow City Pedagogical University

ORCID: 0000-0003-3586-6843



The prime aim of the investigation is to identify the specifics of the retrospective composition in D.H. Lawrence’s novella “Sun”. The methodology of the study is the contextual, compositional and linguistic analyses of the literary work. A detailed investigation of various artistic means, representing retrospect in the novella under question has been carried out. Attention is paid to the imagery plan of the writing (characters, symbols), psychologism of the novella (inner monologue, reminiscence, etc.), allusions to cultural and historical facts, contributing to chronological time convergence. The authors of the article reveal the essential means of constructing retrospective composition, as well as those that convey the “present — past” relationship that forms the semantic basis of the novella. Research implications lie primarily in the perspective of using the obtained data in further theoretical and applied research in the field of linguistics of the text and cultural studies.

Keywords: time, continuity, discontinuity, literary text, retrospect, novella.



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