Lesnikov S.V. Metalanguage of Linguistics: in 2 vols. V. 1: Problems of Terminosystem Systematization. N.L. Sukhachev (ed.). Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-History, 2021. 512 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-1785-3 |
Lesnikov S.V. Metalanguage of Linguistics: in 2 vols. Т. 2: Lexicon of Terminosystem / ed. corresponding member of RAS S.A. Myznikov, scientific editor N.L. Sukhachev. Saint-Petersburg:: Nestor-History, 2021. 1024 p. ISBN 978-5-4469-2008-2 |
UDC 81`37(048)
Bazylev Vladimir N.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor,
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the International Scientific Journal
“Philological Sciences. Scientific Reports of the Higher School”
ORCID 0000-0001-8952-9485
e-mail: v-bazylev@inbox.ru
Review of the gizaurus “Metalanguage of Linguistics” (St. Petersburg, 2021), developed by S.V. Lesnikov. The work marks a new stage of conceptualization in modern Russian linguistics, offering innovative approaches to the systematization of terminological systems of language sciences.
Keywords: database, hypertext thesaurus, corpus lexicography, linguistics, metalanguage, information retrieval system.
1. Losev A.F. Khaos i struktura / sost. A.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitsky; pod obshch. red. A.A. Takho-Godi, V.P. Troitskogo. Moscow: Mysl’, 1997.
2. Stepanov Yu.S. Iazyk i metod: k sovremennoi filosofii iazyka. Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul’tury, 1998.