UDC 61`42
Kalmykova Vera V.,
Candidate of Philology, freelance researcher (Moscow)
e-mail: vkalmykova67@mail.ru
In Russia 1910–20s — the time of the formation of poetics as a scientific discipline. Poetics as a science also attracted the attention of O.E. Mandelstam, who correlate his poetic practice with the current state of philology. N.S. Gumilev assumed that Mandelstam would write a study on poetics. In the articles and essays of the 1910 –30s, many categories of poetics were comprehended by Mandelstam: poet and poetry, art and reality, author, reader, the theme of a work of art, language and speech, etc. The original terminology of Mandelstam, which has no scientific character (“omitted links”, “meanings”, “Mention keyboard”).
Keywords: O.E. Mandelstam, poetics as a scientific discipline, OPOYAZ, MLK, A.N. Veselovsky, A.A. Potebnja, V.B. Shklovsky.
1. Veselovsky A.N. Istoricheskaia poetika / vstup. st. I.K. Gorskogo; komment. V.V. Mochalovoi. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1989. 404 s.
2. Gerstein E.G. Memuary. St. Petersburg: INAPRESS, 1998. 528 s.
3. Ginzburg L.Ya. “Kamen” // Kamen’ / O.E. Mandelstam; podgot. teksta L.Ya. Ginzburg. Leningrad: Nauka, Leningr. otd-e, 1990. S. 261–276.
4. Zhirmunsky V.M. Zadachi poetiki // Poetika russkoi poezii / V.M. Zhirmunsky. St. Petersburg: Azbuka-klassika, 2001. 485 s.
5. Kalmykova V.V. Teoretiko-literaturnye vzgliady V.Ya. Bryusova: avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Moscow, 2007.
6. Kalmykova V.V. Bryusov // Mandelstamovskaia entsiklopediia: v 2 t. / gl. red. P.M. Nerler, O.A. Lekmanov. Moscow: Polit. entsikl., 2017. T. 1. S. 140–145.
7. Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva O.E. Mandelstama / sost. A.G. Mets, S.V. Vasilenko, L.M. Vidgof i dr. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. St. Petersburg: Internet-izdanie, 2019. 509 s. URL: https://imwerden.de/pdf/mandelshtam_letopis_zhizni_i_tvorchestva_3_izd_2... (03.09.2021).
8. Luknitsky P.N. Vstrechi s Annoi Akhmatovoi. Paris: YMCA-press, 1991. T. 1: 1924–1925. 347 s.
9. Mandelstam N.Ya. Sobranie sochinenii: v 2 t. T. 1: Vospominaniia / red.-sost. S. Vasilenko, P. Nerler, Yu. Freidin; vstup. st. P. Nerlera. Ekaterinburg, 2014. 864 s.
10. Mandelstam O.E. Sobranie sochinenii: v 4 t. / pod red. G. Struve, B. Filippova, N. Struve. Moscow: Art-Biznes-Tsentr, 1993–1999.
11. Mandelstam O.E. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem: v 3 t. / sost., podgot. teksta i komment. A.G. Metsa. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. St. Petersburg: Giperion, 2017. T. 2. 671 s.
12. Pak Sun Iun. Organicheskaia poetika Osipa Mandelstama: avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. St. Petersburg, 2007. 22 s.
13. Shklovsky V.B. O poezii i zaumnom iazyke // Gamburgskii schet: stat’i, vospominaniia, esse (1914–1933) / V.B. Shklovsky; predisl. A.P. Chudakova; komment. i podgot. teksta A.Yu. Galushkina. Moscow: Sov. pisatel’, 1990. 544 s.
14. Yakobson R.O. Moskovskii lingvisticheskii kruzhok // Philologica. 1996. No. 5 (7). S. 361–379.